
AgentView has pricing models to fit a number of needs..

Please read through the AgentView onboarding process here before sign-up

  • Flexible Monthly Subscription

    $165 per month + $400 sign-up fee

    Includes setup for a single office and access for a single user

    Subscription can be cancelled at any time

    Get in touch
  • Fixed 12-Month Subscription

    $165 per month

    Includes setup for a single office and access for a single user

    12-month fixed contract, no setup fee

    Get in touch
  • Custom

    Looking for something different?
    Speak with a member of the AgentView team to discuss a customised solution.
    Get in touch
  • Additional Office

    $121 per month

    Setup additional Offices on your AgentView subscription

    Get in touch
  • Additional User

    $27.50 per month

    Access for an additional user to view your AgentView Dashboards

    Special user privileges can be setup

    Get in touch

All prices in AUD and GST Inclusive