Seamless Performance Tracking

AgentView gives Real Estate business owners and operators the information they need to make informed decisions.

Appraisals completed this month


87.78% increase from last month

Gross Commissions this month


2.33% decrease since last month

Top Performer on Listings this Month

Aidan Benton

AgentView System Overview

See what AgentView has to offer..

Powerful Insights - Updated Hourly

We combine information from popular cloud-based Real Estate CRM systems REX and AgentBox to provide detailed analytics and key insights into business performance.

Industry Benchmarking

Compare the results of your office to industry standards across a series of measures.

Gain key insights into how your results compare to others.

TV Screens

AgentView includes a leaders dashboard built for TV screens to be displayed around the office.

This leaders dashboard displays a number of summarised operational measures to keep track of various KPI's.

Ready to take the next step?

Follow the link to get started.